
Description versus Meaning

Description and Specification What is description? In [3], the description is described as ... By the 'description' of an object, we mean an acc full and so definite that one to whom the object unfamiliar can nevertheless, given skill and mater construct it from the verbal formula. The best object description is  the specification ... Every discriminable part or feature of the object unambiguously named; there is a one-to-one correlation of symbols and the empirical items symbolized; and the logical order of the specification is the order of easiest reconstruction. Titchener in [3] describes " Psychological description" in the following words ... The psychological description is analytical, in that the given consciousness or part-consciousness or part-consciousness is analyzed into its elementary constituents, into sensation, images, attitudes, etc.; it is also abstractive, in that the inseparable attributes of these elements or of their groups (quality, intensity,...

Resource Theories, Ontology and Digital Transformation

When you study the various subjects in various disciplines there is the point when you ask yourself what all entities in the widest sense have in common. This is closely associated with Aristotle's question of " being qua being " and is the basic foundation of Ontology [12]. The question of questions is, what is the most abstract object? What is the thing of things?  It seems the resource is used as a thing of things and the most abstract conceptual object applicable in any discipline. Any concept can be based on resources and all other more concrete things can be inherited from the more general resource.  Let's describe the basic characteristics of the Resource The resource can have various properties describing the more concrete object attributes The more general resource can be more precisely specified to be more particular. This is often called inheritance The resource can be uniquely identified Resources can be related to each other in various taxonomies hierar...

RDF & OWL - the basic framework for modern information scientist

There is no doubt, the biggest public information network nowadays is the Internet, especially, World Wide Web (aka WWW, or simply the Web). It can change over time, however, this is where we are now. We can find a lot of interesting resources on the Web, however, the biggest problem is to find the relevant resource (digital object) and the knowledge in the minimum time effort. This is the reason why the semantic web has been invented.  The Semantic Web is an extension of the World Wide Web through standards set by the World Wide Web Consortium. The goal of the Semantic Web is to make Internet data machine-readable. To enable the encoding of semantics with the data, technologies such as Resource Description Framework (RDF) and Web Ontology Language (OWL) are used. These technologies are used to formally represent metadata. [ source ]  RDF RDF stands for Resource Description Framework. RDF is a framework for describing resources on the web. RDF is designed to be read and unders...